Home Education

Home Education

Home education is a parent-directed approach to educating a student in Grades 1 to 12 at home or elsewhere in which they are responsible for making all education decisions.

Parents choose curriculum resources and methodology consistent with their family’s beliefs and consistent with the Home Education Regulation.

Supervised by school authority (funded)

A parent or guardian may choose 1 of 2 home education programs:

  • Supervised by school authority (funded): a home education program supervised by a willing public, separate or francophone school board or accredited funded private school. Eligible for funding from Alberta Education.
  • Not supervised by school authority (notification only, non-funded): a home education program not supervised by a school board or accredited funded private school. Not eligible for funding from Alberta Education.

If you are a parent considering home educating your child(ren) under BTPS supervision please contact the Learning Hub directly for additional information.

  • Each year, parents have the responsibility to notify their supervising school authority of their intent to home educate their child through the Home Education Notification Form – Supervised by School Authority
  • In order to receive their portion of the home education grant, if a parent has chosen to home educate with a supervising school authority, the parent must have notified and been accepted by an associate board or associate private school regarding the home education program by September 28.

Please note:

  • If choosing a Home Education Program NOT supervised by an Authority, then parents have the responsibility to notify the Minister of Education of their intent to home educate their child. There are two available options including the Home Education Notification Form – Not Supervised by School Authority or through an online form in the Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI) accessible in myPass.